12 Jan Achieve is the new Believe
A few years ago I worked on a project for about 8 months and in the end, even though there was so much to gain from the experience I wasn’t happy with the outcome. It made me lose a little faith. That afternoon I wondered into Typo and quite subconsciously bought the wooden letters of the word Believe.
Since then Believe has followed me from my bedroom in Melbourne, to my first radio job in Launceston, it then moved with me to 2 different houses in Hobart and finally it crossed the Tasman to its current resting place of Shepparton. But this week after a very positive conversation with a very wise person I decided that I was ready to change Believe into Achieve. Being a communications geek and all, I love going back to the true definition of words (thank you dictionary.com).
BELIEVE: To have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.
ACHIEVE: To bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish.
I needed believe to get to achieve, and while there’s still place for believe it’s achieve that will be getting prime position from now on.
Wishing everyone a successful and inspired week full of achievement!