03 Mar My pledge to use recycled bags to save the Pelicans
For last weeks Top10 I caught up with a young manager at McDonalds who was heading a team for Clean Up Australia Day and I was really proud of the effort these younger people were putting in. It gave me a moment to reflect on how much rubbish I generate, and I know 2 things.
- I really like printing things out. It’s how I work best (being a stationary lover and all) but it does waste a lot of paper and poor trees. To combat this a while ago I made a promise to myself that I would recycle like a crazy woman. And I do. I rip every corner of pages that have staples out and chuck them in the bin before a page can be recycled.
- I also do my best to recycle at home.
But I would like to use this Clean Up Australia Day to add another bit of recycling to my repertoire – not using plastic bags. Over the summer I walked past a beautiful lake with Pelicans and although I wouldn’t say I’m a bird lover, I am a lover of life and I got this hysterical idea that the Pelicans were going to eat the bag so to my mum’s shock I ran around looking for a stick, took my shoes off and waded into the water to save the Pelican’s life by removing the plastic bag. A tad dramatic and rather our of character? Maybe. But it was a good reminder that we should all be caring about our environment. So, again, from this point on I will make it my goal to use recycled bags at the supermarket as best I can. Who’s with me? Think of the pelicans!!
Weeknights Top 10 – Clean Up Australia Day