24 Oct Oct 24-26 Can you keep a secret, Keep it Short and Girly and Thrillllller
Special Olympics Closing Ceremony
DATE: Fri 24 Oct
TIME: 3:15-7pm
LOCATION: Luna Park, St Kilda
WEBSITE: http://specialolympics2014.org.au/
INCLUDING: More than 1000 athletes from across Aus, 16 Olympic type events including gymnastics, tennis and athletics.
Jamaican Me Crazy run by Secret Foodies
DATE: Fri 24 Oct
TIME: 7pm – 10pm
LOCATION: It’s a secret!! (seriously)
COST: $85 pp
WEBSITE: http://secretfoodies.com.au/upcoming-events/
INCLUDING: You don’t know where you’re going until 2 hours before, Jamaican pork served 3 ways and 3 drinks pp.
Great Amazing Race
DATE: Sat 25 Oct
TIME: Registrations open 8:15, must be registered by 9:45am
LOCATION: Around Melbourne!
COST: $100pp
WEBSITE: http://www.greatamazingrace.com.au/
INCLUDING: Registrations closed now so Good Luck to all the participants and you can still donate to the Royal Children’s Hospital here: http://www.greatamazingrace.com.au/fundraising/
Sausage and Cider Festival
DATE: Sat 25 Oct
TIME: 1pm – 6pm
LOCATION: The Last Jar, 616 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
WEBSITE: http://www.thelastjar.com.au/
INCLUDING: Irish Street Festival, entertainment and a sausage making demo.
Oktoberfest in the Gardens
DATE: Sat 25 Oct
TIME: 2m-10pm
LOCATION: Birrarung Marr Park behind Fed Square
COST: $59.50 incl booking fee
WEBSITE: http://melbourne.oktoberfestinthegardens.com.au/
INCLUDING: Massive outdoor beer hall, authentic German food stalls, sideshow alley, DJ’s all afternoon, a FREE drinks and a FREE event stein!
Short and Girly with a bit of Burly
DATE: Sat 25 Oct
TIME: 7:30pm
LOCATION: National Theatre, 20 Carlisle Street, St Kilda
COST: $60 general admin, $54 concession
WEBSITE: http://www.vac.org.au/
INCLUDING: Fundraiser for the Vic Aids Council. Including Tom Ballard, Cal Wilson, Joel Creasey, Claire Hooper, Fiona O’Loughlin, Tom Gleeson, Adam Richard.
Thrill The World MJ Fan Day
DATE: Sun 26 Oct
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: Luna Park Melbourne, St Kilda
COST: $12 a ticket
WEBSITE: http://thrilltheworldmelbourne.com/
INCLUDING: Dress up like a zombie or your fav MJ character, profits go to Royal Children’s Hospital, Simultaneous worldwide dance to MJ’s Thriller record attempt.
Sneaker Freaker Swap Meet
DATE: Sun 26 Oct
TIME: 10am-3pm
LOCATION: Globe Warehouse, 1 Fennell St, Port Melbourne
COST: FREE entry
WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/events/327928444053768/
INCLUDING: Over 100 sellers from across AUS selling sneakers and other bits too. Food and alcoholic bevies
Carlton Italian Festa
DATE: Sun 26 Oct
TIME: 11am – 8pm
LOCATION: Piazza Italia. Corner Lygon and Argyle Street, Carlton
WEBSITE: http://www.carltonitalianfesta.org.au/
INCLUDING: Anthony Callea Performing, Car displays including Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Vespa Club of Melbourne